Patrick Scanlan First Edition 273 pages $26.95 ISBN 978-0-917962-44-8
Essays for Critical Thinking and Writing
1. Narrative and Descriptive Essays GABRIEL RAMOS My Girl JANE SMILEY Confess, Early and Often JOYCE CAROL OATES Trespassing JAMES BALDWIN Notes of a Native Son (excerpt) EVE CLAPHAM To Have and Have Not
2. Example Essays V. S. NAIPAUL Bombay Theatre (excerpt) DIANE ACKERMAN The Mute Sense (excerpt) PAUL ZIELBAUER The Roar of the Green RUSSELL BAKER Have You Noticed? LANGDON WINNER Electronically Implanted “Values” JUDITH STONE Thumb and Thumber
3. Comparison and Contrast Essays LATRICIA DENNIS Once I Was a Hoosier; Now I Am a Texan DAVID REMNICK Hock Tooey DEBORAH BLUM The Subtler Side of Testosterone ESTHER SCHRADER Of Time and the River
4. Critical Analysis Essays ERNEST HEMINGWAY A Clean, Well-Lighted Place BEBE CARMICHAEL Morning, Noon, and Night HELGA ERICKSON Fear of the Dark AMY TAN In the Canon, for All the Wrong Reasons MARIO VARGAS LLOSA With Pens Drawn JOHN UPDIKE Computer Heaven
5. Critical Review Essays ANN FINKBEINER The Numbers Racket VALERIE MINER Borderland JAY PARINI Border Crossings DAVID WILD Spiceworld BRIAN D. JOHNSON Breaking the Chains DENNIS HARVEY The Comedy of Errors
6. Definition Essays VINCE LOPEZ Schmooze CHARLES DICKENS Congressmen (excerpt) ANNA QUINDLEN The Good Guys BAILEY WHITE Spelunking in Middle Age MICHAEL DORRIS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ANDREW WARD The Trouble with Architects
7. Cause and Effect Essays CAROLYN HANIG My Own Son Didn’t Listen GEORGE F. WILL A Course Correction in the Capital of Liberalism MEG CIMINO Vigilance NORMAN MACLEAN Young Men and Fire (excerpt) ANNE C. LEWIS The Price of Poverty ROBERT WRIGHT Can Souls Be Xeroxed?
8. Argumentative Essays MICAH C. LASHER School Uniforms, the $80 Million Boondoggle SAMUEL JOHNSON Debtor’s Prison GEOFFREY CANADA Curfews Are for Parents to Set TED SIZER What’s Wrong with Standardized Tests? EDWARD ABBEY Walking CHRISTINE GREGOIRE It’s Not about Money, Its about Smoke EUGENE J. CRAIG The Deal’s Too Good for Big Tobacco LISE FUNDERBURG Boxed In
9. Combined Techniques Essays EMMA SCANLAN Which Side Am I On? Discrimination and Self-Discovery SAUL BELLOW Chicago: The City That Was, The City That Is BARBARA EHRENREICH Oh, Those Family Values ALAN DERSHOWITZ Shouting “Fire!”